update for the Open Hardware Summit 2020 @ohsummit #OpenCovid19Initiative

Open hardware community advances environmental testing for COVID-19 to help clean up schools and libraries Continue reading update for the Open Hardware Summit 2020 @ohsummit #OpenCovid19Initiative

CircuitHub launches group buys with build of GamingCape

by Jason Kridner TL;DR – $99 BeagleBone Black GamingCape from CircuitHub   In last year’s TI intern contest, Max Thrun amazed us with his incredible video of the making of the GamingCape that turned a BeagleBone Black into a handheld-gaming console running on AAA batteries. If you are like me, you immediately wanted one of your own. I ran out and bought a few PCBs from OSHPark, sourced parts from Digi-Key and started assembling some boards. A few months later, as you can see, I still don’t have it 100% assembled. Well, I’m here to ask for your help in … Continue reading CircuitHub launches group buys with build of GamingCape

BeagleBone project spotlight: CryptoCape

BeagleBone project spotlight: CryptoCape When I think of cryptography, I think of movies like Sneakers, U571 and Pi. However, Josh Datko’s new solution will put cryptography in the hands of every developer — not only submariners (even though Josh happens to be one) and MENSA-level mathematicians — so that everyone from students and garage developers to professional engineers can secure their projects. Josh and his company Cryptotronix, in collaboration with SparkFun Electronics, are creating the CryptoCape for BeagleBone Black. The CryptoCape is an open-source hardware collection of cryptographic modules that extends the hardware cryptographic abilities of BeagleBone Black. The computer … Continue reading BeagleBone project spotlight: CryptoCape

BeagleBone Black Project Spotlight: Shield I/O

Some unlikely combinations just seem to work: Oreos and peanut butter, Dwight Schrute and Michael Scott and now Arduino and BeagleBone Black! With the new Shield I/O, you can now use (almost) any Arduino shield with a BeagleBone Black. The Shield I/O, created by Andreas Behrend, adapts Arduino shields to be BeagleBone Black compatible, it doesn’t matter if you’re using 3.3V or 5V logic or up to 5V analog inputs. Precise resistor arrays divide the analog inputs and make it an option to measure up to 5V. Shield I/O comes with dedicated level shifters for all 14 digital GPIO pins, … Continue reading BeagleBone Black Project Spotlight: Shield I/O

BeagleBone Black project spotlight: LOGi-Bone

By Tara Stratton As working professionals, Michael Jones, Jonathan Piat and their team at Valent F(x) know that interfacing with FPGA boards can be a clunky and cumbersome process. With these complexities of electronic design in mind, they strove to devise a more user-friendly, plug-and-play method to, as Michael put it, “make even students and hobbyists smile.” As a result, the folks at Valent F(x) developed the LOGi family of FPGA development boards. According to Michael, these boards “were created with a dual-use purpose: to limit the sharp learning curve associated with FPGA development and to enable the unification of … Continue reading BeagleBone Black project spotlight: LOGi-Bone