Jason Kridner

In my own words
Hi, I'm Jason Kridner, co-founder of the BeagleBoard.org project. I want to help you master technology. Don't you think technology should serve you, rather than just add value to someone else's platform?
Open source hardware and software are our tools. Education and collaboration are our process. Driving access to technology without barriers is how we hope to make a difference.
In the words of someone else
Jason Kridner is a founder and president of the board at the BeagleBoard.org Foundation and an independant embedded systems consultant. As a 28 year veteran of Texas Instruments, he developed experience in the design, manufacturing, testing, applications and marketing of integrated circuits used in embedded systems.
The BeagleBoard.org® Foundation is a US-based 501c3 non-profit existing to provide education in and collaboration around the design and use of open-source software and hardware in embedded computing. Jason leads the development of and maintains open-source development tools such as BeagleBoard®, -xM, -X15, PocketBeagle®, BeagleBone®, Black, Blue, and AI. Kridner has been a featured keynote speaker and instructor at many industry and educational events including Maker Faires, American Society of Engineering Education Conferences, Embedded Linux Conferences, Collaboration Summit, Android Builders, OSCON, CES and others.
The most reliable way of contacting me is to schedule a meeting
Meetings: Create a meeting
Twitter: @jadon
LinkedIn: jkridner
IRC: jkridner @ #beagle
Telephone: 713-234-0535
BeagleBoard.org: About
Consulting: JK Embedded Consulting