BMP085 I2C pressure/temperature sensor graphing demo
var b = require('bonescript'); var i2c = '/sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-1/'; b.writeTextFile(i2c + 'new_device', 'bmp085 0x77'); var graphDataSize = 50; window.graphData = new Array(graphDataSize); var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas1"); var processing = new Processing(canvas, sketchProc); for(var i=0; i < graphDataSize; i++) { window.graphData[i] = 0.5; } updateGraph(0.5); function readTemp() { b.readTextFile(i2c + '1-0077/temp0_input', onRead); } function onRead(x) { updateGraph(parseInt(, 10)/200.0-0.9); } function updateGraph(x) { for(var i=0; i < graphDataSize; i++) { if(i == graphDataSize - 1) window.graphData[i] = x; else window.graphData[i] = window.graphData[i+1]; } processing.redraw(); setTimeout(readTemp, 300); } function sketchProc(p) { p.size(500, 300); // local variables var stepX = p.width / (graphDataSize - 1); p.noLoop(); p.draw = function() { // erase background p.background(224); // draw axis p.stroke(25); p.strokeWeight(1); p.line(0, p.height/2, p.width, p.height/2); // draw graph p.stroke(2); p.strokeWeight(3); var lastX = 0, nextX = 0, lastY, nextY; for(var i=0; i < graphDataSize; i++) { nextY = p.height-window.graphData[i]*p.height; if(i != 0) { p.line(lastX, lastY, nextX, nextY); lastX += stepX; } nextX += stepX; lastY = nextY; } }; }
Build and execute instructions

- Disconnect your board from power (including USB)
- Connect BMP085 GND to P9_1
- Connect BMP085 VCC to P9_3
- Connect BMP085 SCL to P9_19
- Connect BMP085 SDA to P9_20
- Reapply power and refresh this page before running the demo code
See also
Related functions
Last updated by cortezjuanjr on Wed Jul 03 2013 18:23:28 GMT-0000 (UTC).