Using the U-Boot Extension Board Manager – BeagleBone Boards Example

This article follows two earlier blog posts about Device Tree overlays: Using Device Tree Overlays, example on BeagleBone boards Device Tree: Supporting Similar Boards – The BeagleBone Example Introduction As explained in the first two blog posts, the BeagleBone boards are supported by a wide number of extension boards, called capes. When such a cape is plugged in, the description of the devices connected to the board should be updated accordingly. As the available hardware is described by a Device Tree, the added devices on the cape should be described using a Device Tree Overlay, as described in the first … Continue reading Using the U-Boot Extension Board Manager – BeagleBone Boards Example

Using Device Tree Overlays, example on BeagleBone Cape add-on boards

The concept of Device Tree overlays The Device Tree language is a way to describe hardware that is present in a system and cannot be automatically detected. That’s the case of devices directly implemented on a System on a Chip, such as serial ports, Ethernet or Nand flash controllers. That’s also the case of devices connected to a number of buses, such as I2C and SPI, that do not provide mechanisms for dynamic enumeration and identification of devices. For a given CPU architecture (ARM, PowerPC, etc), such a description allows to have a unique kernel supporting many different systems with … Continue reading Using Device Tree Overlays, example on BeagleBone Cape add-on boards

Improving usage of device trees

Using device trees is one of the most complicated and important, and sometimes risky, elements of using a Beagle to make use of add-on hardware. With the addition of the AM5729-based BeagleBone AI to the family of boards sporting BeagleBone headers, the complications have increased, requiring additional considerations with dependencies on different processor pins connected to different header pins and a different peripheral mix. Further, AM5729 won’t be the last processor where Beagle uses on a board with BeagleBone headers! Further, in community efforts to add dynamic support for device tree overlays into the upstream Linux, much has changed for … Continue reading Improving usage of device trees

BeagleCast 2011-03-14: BeagleBoard-xM rev C

Today’s hosts are Jason Kridner, Gerald Coley and Jeffery Osier-Mixon.  Below are the show note links. Links to the recordings BeagleCast-20110314.mp3 BeagleCast-20110314.ogg To provide questions or suggestions: Call +1-713-234-0535 or visit the BeagleCast suggestions form From the RSS feed Running a BeagleBoard off of Batteries    BeagleBoard cases with a MakerBot on Thingiverse New SGX Graphics Driver Release for Linux now available!     DVI-D to VGA converter for BeagleBoard-xM and issue to be fixed with the current BeagleBoardToys VGA adapter when using a BeagleBoard-xM   Kinect + BeagleBoard-xM (now need GLES)     Leverett and Wasson Win Texas Instruments Beagle Board Design … Continue reading BeagleCast 2011-03-14: BeagleBoard-xM rev C